


Archi+ pietra楼兰(细砂)返回

楼兰是一种款利用于内墙设计的石粉粉基颗粒状矿石艺术涂料,由具有着水硬石粉粉(NHL3.5),生石粉粉等优越原料料精心安排成功研制而成,饱含特别的具有着金白云母。利用该新产品定制的复合花岗岩具有着差异化的性和媚足性,花岗岩和银光小黑点和睦映照,清雅、丝柔和残破美渗入一起。 24小时服务热线


Archi+ Pietra


YS-N753C119Archi+ Pietra 楼兰(细砂)

Archi+ Pietra

Archi+ Pietra is a mineral plaster coat in powder for interiors. It is made of natural hydraulic lime NHL 3,5 (EN 459-1), aerial lime, specific aggregates and rheological modifiers carefully selected to ensure an excellent workability. The particular formulation allows the attainment of top quality finishes. For the protection of the surfaces decorated with Archi+ Pietra, two different solutions are available: Non film forming protection: recommended wherever a good resistance to water and various soluble hydro and oleo substances is required. It can be done by applying two or more layers of Nova_Wall Care (hydro-oleo-repellent wax), that protects the surface without modifying the aesthetic aspect. It is the classic solution for this kind of finishes. Film forming protection: it is recommended in all cases where you want to achieve a valid surface protection against cold liquids, dry heat and humid heat, for example inside the shower enclosures. It is achievable by applying a layer of Mineral Sealer (bi-component primer) and two layers of one of the Clear Finish Countertop Protection finishes (bi-component finish).

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